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Monday, November 22, 2010

Blog Virgin

So, hello there, internet world. This is my first blog. Blogger is now the official taker of my online blogging virginity! As we speak, I am preparing a tasty breakfast dinner of pancakes and bacon for my daughter Riley. Riley is 5 and will be 6 on the 29th of this month. All I can think about is how this year has flown by and I wonder where these 5 years have gone. How did she get to be 5 already, loosing teeth, and learning to read?!

Anyways, I wish to add to this blog preferably every week or every few days. I havent quite thought out what will be the main topic or subtopics but I'd like to relate to my readers. I obviously am going to write about what I know. Motherhood, photography, relationships between lovers and friends. Sometimes perhaps I'll just post about whatever random thing happens to be on my mind. In any case, I hope those that find me enjoy what they read and come back for more.

And as the famous Cornelia Clapp would say: "dancing alone in your living room is just as freeing as being the only fish in the sea"

Not really, but.... i tried


  1. congrats on the loss of your blogging virginity. was it everything you hoped it would be?

  2. it really was. it touched me in places that i never knew would feel so very good...... haha
